Two types of Chapter 33 benefits are available:
- Benefits for veterans
- Benefits for dependents
Military personnel who completed at least 90 days of aggregate service after Sept. 10, 2001, or who developed service-connected disabilities after 30 days (see chart below)
- Up to 36 months of benefits
- Can be used for any approved degree or certificate program
- This benefit pays net tuition and billable fees, a book allowance and monthly housing allowance based on the veteran’s percentage of eligibility.
- If eligible Monthly Housing Allowance based off of BAH of E-5 with dependents while school is in session Prorated for student’s rate of pursuit
- For online only students, pays half the national average.
- If eligible Monthly Housing Allowance based off of BAH of E-5 with dependents while school is in session Prorated for student’s rate of pursuit
- Service members may be eligible to transfer this benefit to their dependents find more information on transferability from your service branch.
- For more information visit the VA website.
To use Chapter 33 benefits at Mizzou, after registering for classes complete the below form and submit it to the MU Veterans Center either via PDF email attachment or in person in our office Memorial Union, lower-level N-5. New students also must submit a copy of their VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE).